Great India Roadways Tracking

Enter your Great India Roadways Tracking number below to track your Courier, Parcel, Shipment, or delivery status information instantly.

In the vast and diverse landscape of India, efficient transportation is vital for the nation’s growth and development. One of the key players in ensuring the smooth movement of goods and people across the country is the Great India Roadways Tracking system. In this article we will discuss the tracking system how it works and popular in the sector of tracking services.

Great India Roadways Tracking Contact Details

Address: Jobra, Canal Rd, Cuttack, Odisha 753003, India

Phone: 0671-2547 925

Email: [email protected]

About Great India Roadways Online Tracking

Great India Roadways Tracking, also known as GIRT, is a cutting-edge technology-driven solution designed to optimize and streamline the transportation network in India. It combines GPS technology, data analytics, and real-time monitoring to enhance the efficiency and safety of road transport across the nation.

great india roadways tracking

You can also track you courier by Alleppey Parcel Service Tracking.

How Does Great India Online Tracking System Works?

The GIRT system operates on a simple yet powerful principle: real-time tracking and monitoring of vehicles on India’s vast road network. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how it works:

  • GPS Integration: Each vehicle in the GIRT system is equipped with GPS devices that provide precise location data.
  • Data Transmission: The GPS devices transmit real-time data to a centralized control center, allowing for continuous monitoring.
  • Route Optimization: Advanced algorithms analyze the data to optimize routes, reducing travel time and fuel consumption.
  • Safety Features: GIRT also includes safety features such as speed monitoring and accident detection, ensuring the well-being of both drivers and cargo.

How to use Great India Roadways Service

Using the Great India Roadways Tracking (GIRT) system is a straightforward process that can help you optimize your transportation operations in India. Whether you’re a fleet manager, a logistics company, or an individual vehicle owner, here’s how to make the most of GIRT:

1. Installation and Setup

  • Vehicle Integration: Ensure that the GPS tracking devices are installed in your vehicles. These devices are the core components of the GIRT system.
  • Software Access: Get access to the GIRT software or application. This is where you will monitor and manage your fleet or individual vehicles.

2. Dashboard & Monitoring

  • Log In: Log in to the GIRT dashboard or app using your credentials.
  • Dashboard Overview: Familiarize yourself with the dashboard’s layout and features. You’ll typically find a map displaying real-time vehicle locations, as well as various tools and options for tracking and managing your fleet.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Use the map to monitor your vehicles in real-time. You can see their current locations, routes, and status.

3. Route Optimization

  • Plan Routes: Utilize the GIRT system to plan and optimize routes for your vehicles. The system uses advanced algorithms to suggest the most efficient paths, which can save time and fuel costs.
  • Route Adjustments: You can make on-the-fly adjustments to routes as needed. This is helpful in case of road closures, traffic congestion, or last-minute changes.

4. Safety Features

  • Speed Monitoring: GIRT often includes speed monitoring features. Set speed limits for your vehicles, and the system will alert you if any vehicle exceeds those limits.
  • Accident Detection: If your GIRT system has this feature, it can automatically detect accidents and trigger alerts. This allows for rapid response and assistance in case of emergencies.

Benefits of Using Great India Roadways Tracking

The implementation of GIRT has yielded numerous benefits for the transportation industry and the nation as a whole:

Enhanced Efficiency

With real-time tracking and route optimization, GIRT reduces delivery times and operational costs, making the transportation of goods faster and more cost-effective.

Improved Safety

The safety features of GIRT help in preventing accidents and ensure timely assistance in case of emergencies, making Indian roads safer for all.

Reduced Environmental Impact

Efficient routing and reduced idling time result in lower fuel consumption, decreasing the carbon footprint of the transportation industry.

Increased Accountability

GIRT provides accurate data on vehicle locations and activities, promoting transparency and reducing the chances of theft or unauthorized use.

Better Customer Service

Faster deliveries and improved communication mean happier customers, which is essential for any business relying on transportation services.


No, GIRT is adaptable to various types of vehicles, including commercial trucks, public transport, and even private cars. It’s a versatile system for all road users.

GIRT follows stringent data privacy regulations and only shares data with authorized parties. User consent and secure data encryption are top priorities.

Yes, GIRT is designed to be easily integrated into existing systems, making the transition seamless for businesses and organizations.

The cost varies depending on the size of the fleet and specific requirements. It’s best to get in touch with GIRT service providers for a customized quote.

Yes, GIRT utilizes advanced technology to ensure connectivity in even the most remote areas, helping vehicles stay on track.


Great India Roadways Tracking is a game-changer in the Indian transportation industry. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, GIRT enhances efficiency, safety, and accountability, making it an indispensable tool for businesses and individuals alike. As India continues to grow and evolve, GIRT plays a crucial role in ensuring that the nation’s roadways remain a driving force for progress and prosperity. To stay ahead in the competitive world of transportation, consider embracing the benefits of GIRT today.